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Interim management

Interim Management is one of the areas of management consulting conducted by Legal Bridge. It focuses on providing overqualified managers able to achieve tangible, measurable results, working in the company on a temporary or project basis.

Our interim managers being successful top managers with extensive experience in solving specific problems are the «stars» in their business segment. They like and able to quickly get into gear in new conditions, quickly analyze and make decisions, work towards a result. They possess strong management skills and personal qualities, able to work both independently and in a team.

Interim managers handle the following tasks:

  • Crisis management
  • Need to promptly fill the top position in the company
  • Temporary need for additional guidance resource
  • Business expertise
  • Significant business reorganization
  • Strong experienced management of an important urgent project

Benefits of attracting Interims to the company

  • Acquiring experience in numerous successful task handling
  • Independent and objective approach to addressing challenges
  • Quick getting into gear
  • Strict compliance with deadlines of the project / task
  • Flexible remuneration: performance pay, payment by days or results
  • No risk of indefinite contract
  • Flexibility in the beginning / end of working relationship
  • Acquiring qualification in excess of required
  • No additional costs for adaptation, training, development
  • Task execution speed is higher than that of a full-time employee
  • Focused on results, not on the process

What makes us stand out among the other market players

  • Our team of Interim managers includes professional practitioners of the highest level.
  • We carry out an in-depth expert evaluation of the client needs and have sufficient resources to meet serious large-scale challenges.
  • We believe in importance of market knowledge, but we believe even more in the value of good, trust relationships between its members.

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